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A former girlfriend told me while we were together that she broke up with her ex because he treated her so badly. From everything she said about him it sounded like he mostly upset her and made her miserable on a regular basis. She had a relationship with him on and off for about 4 years before she met me and supposedly left him for good.

I asked her why she was with him at all and why the hell would she keep going back to him if he was so despicable, She said that at first he was quite charming and pleasant. but after they started having sex he gradually began to change and beyond just taking her for granted he actually started being nasty and abusive. Not in a physical way but more psychologically. He treated her like a possession and wanted her to be at his beck and call and got angry when she wasn’t. On the other hand he did what he liked and it was a “don’t call me , I’ll call you” relationship he insisted upon.
Again i questioned why she put up with that for so long.

(She is a very intelligent, pretty and sexy girl so she would have little trouble snagging another boyfriend so I wanted to understand why she would put up with this crap from him. ) She said that she hoped he would go back to how he was when they first started dating and then she confessed that he had a very nice body and was very good in bed.