Porny Story

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First Time Sex

How could I let this happen?

When they were at the door you could hear moaning coming from the room. Jim knocked anyway and when he looked over at Alexia he started to laugh. She had turned bright red and started to say we should go when smoke pulled the door open. He had all his clothes on and said to get in side so when Jim walked in she followed. Once inside she saw where the moaning was coming from. There was a porn move on the TV. There was a nice looking middle aged white woman getting pounded by a huge black cock! Alexia did not know what to do. She just stood there watching this enormous black cock disappear into the woman’s pussy as though in a trance. The first thing that went through her mind was oh my god he’s going to kill that woman. After that she started to think it was fake!

Sweetness could you move your little ass over so I can get by Smoke said. She jumped a bit when he touched her shoulder and then quickly moved to the side. She then came out of her trance and moved closer to Jim. When she was next to him Jim asked do you like that? As she asked what that? She turned to look at the TV again. Jim said yea that lovely move. She did not know what to say so she just said that shit must be fake! Out of the corner of the room by the bed Smoke started to laugh and said that is one hundred and ten percent real! I know because she said the same thing when I wiped it out. Alexia turned and looked at Smoke with a bullshit look on her face but then noticed the bed was all messed up. She turned back to the TV and saw the same sheets on the bed in the movie as the ones in the room! Then she saw the camera on the dresser that was hooked to the TV! Jim started to laugh again and said that he loved to see Smoke’s movies.