Halloween costume party
The first customer was a scrawny little dude with glasses about the same age as the girls. He wore a Superman costume that was about three sizes too big. He stared at Emily’s breasts straining to burst out of the bridal costume.
“I pick you!” he blurted excitedly, his voice cracking, pointing a shaky finger at Emily.
“Okay, Superman, I’ll give you a super blow job,” Emily cooed. “Give Witchy Poo the cash.” He quickly did so. “Now, let’s see that super cock of yours, honey.”
He unzipped and exposed himself.
“Oh my God, that thing’s a foot long!” Emily squealed.
“Yeah it is,” Emily agreed, very impressed. “C’mon, I’ll help. The least a sister can do. You’ll never get that much pork in one mouth. I’ll give the super stud a black kiss while you breathe through your ears. And honey,” she said to the dude, “if you like a dick up your ass I can do that too while she is milking your one-eyed spit monkey.”
A very happy Superman followed the two girls upstairs like a puppy dog.
Roxanne and Sandra waited anxiously for the next customers to arrive.