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Group Sex

Go round

So they started milling around the sex shop themselves. Nervous tension was in the air, and the women and men were averting their eyes from other couples. In a few minutes the two tiny bell sounds rang out. A nervous panic rushed over him as he saw the love of his life turn to him and kiss him encouragingly. “We will get through this honey.” He saw her turn and join the line of women entering the door. She disappeared.

Shortly thereafter, three bells rang out. He queued up and join the line of men filing into the back door. When he entered, his eyes adjusted to the dark. He was walking along a curved hallway, almost as if it were curving around something. Periodically on the right he passed a door, closed with a red light above it. Shortly he noticed the man in front turn to enter an open door, and then shut it, with the red light appearing. He was in front of the line now, and realized he was to enter the next open door. He closed it behind him and noticed he was in a booth facing a curtain.