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Fun day at the swimming hole

“Vince!” Jess Arreola called from the small, sandy shores of the swimming hole. She was sun bathing in a small bikini with her best friends Zoe Hayes and Tess Di Angelo. Masie Torres, her third best friend was sitting with her boyfriend, James Arroyo on a rock in the water. They just started dating a few days before Zoe moved to the small town in Northern California two months ago. The couple started kissing so Jess, the beauty girl in school, called her boyfriend, Vincent Reaper, down from the rock he was sitting on with his twin brother Jason or “Jace.”


“Get down here!”

Vince smirked and jumped off the rock splashing the two love birds and interrupting their make out session. Masie screamed and James tumbled into the swimming hole.

Vince swam over to the beach area where the girls were and held himself in push-up position over his girlfriend. He slowly lowered him self over her and pressed his wet lips against hers. She kissed him back and pressed her tongue against his lips. He let her in and their two tongues wrestled for a minute before Jace yelled from the top of the rock.