Forced into a ghetto whore – Chapter 1
In the next room, the young clerk checked the tape recorder and nodded. He was satisfied. The young dumb Russian blonde hadn’t even suspected that the mirror could cover a hole in the wall and that in the next room there could be a complete video studio, the lenses of the TV Cameras being, of course, pointed at her bed.
Well, he had been right. The tools there had proved their worth many times already, and he had a few good tapes of girls naked in their room like this one. But this was the best, Harry knew. She was absolutely the best one he’d ever seen, and he had seen, fumbling through her papers while she was away, that she had signed a contract with Playman. This gave him a tremendous opportunity.
He checked that the sleeping gas was still exiting from his hidden nozzle in the room. The bottle was half-empty now, so the girl must have been deeply asleep by now.
He closed the nozzle, knowing that he had a full hour before she could awake. Having done all that before, he didn’t mind too much, so he put a couple of special sponges in her nose, put a mini mask and walked in the Russian girl’s room via the small interconnecting door.
He was over the sleeping girl in a moment, horny as hell. He knew exactly what the wanted and could do, and lost no time, while the video camera recorded his actions. He’d spliced it later, to make one of his private porn tapes.