Flares of passion

“That girl.” Shaking with anger, Natan stormed off looking to blow off some steam leaving Happy behind.

“Naatsuuu!” Seeing his foster parent needed some time alone, Happy decided to head back to the Inn alone.

While Natan went down the darker side of the city, looking for a brawl or something, he started noticing a scent that was following him. Recognizing the owner, Natan deliberately headed to an alley near the city’s border.

“Come out!”

From the shadows, Flare emerged. Her hair free from the usual position around her waist, ready to hit the slayer at anytime. Giving him one of her crazy expressions she uttered: “Pinkie…”

Natan cracked his knucles as he faced her: “I don’t care if you’re a girl! You’re gonna pay for what you did to Lucy!” Not waiting for a reply, Natan charged at her with his fists on fire.

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Giggling, Flare stopped his attack by coiling her long strands of hair around his arms. Natan tried to burn her hair with his flames, but to his surprise it seemed her long red mane was immune to fire.