Fill me twice
Silently, we lay there on our backs for a while, listening to the fire crackle, my heart still beating fast. My mouth tingles, as if asleep, as if I lost an actual appendage there. My heat is still wet and excited.
“Okay, sooo, this is embarrassing.” Mr. Can’t Remember His Name But Asking It Would Be Awkward breaks the silence. “It’s probably going to sound crazy and insulting, Aaron, so forgive me, especially after what we just did, but what did you say your wife’s name was? I know you’ve said it countless times but for some reason I can’t remember.”
I begin to laugh. Then the laugh becomes a full on red face where I struggle for breath. It’s hilarious. I’m also relieved.
“Seriously, Sam? It’s Emily.”
Sam! That’s right.
“Well, boys, that’s really funny. I was thinking the whole time that I couldn’t remember yours, Sam, do don’t feel bad. Whew. Listen, why don’t you boys take a few minutes to recharge and meet me in the shower?”, I boldly declared. I wasn’t really sure if I could handle another double team.