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MILF Stories

Farm Mother

i ate in silence, still amazed at what had happened last night, and this morning. Last night I had seen the woman sitting right across from me’s Pussy. I had touched it, fingered it, but nothing more. I wanted it, I needed it. I hungered for It, And I knew right then and there how i was ganna get it.

I got up from the table, “hey, whatcha doin? ” she asked. I just stood and said, “Is it ok if I take a shower, my back just started aching real bad? ” she pondered this for a minute with pursed lips. “ok, but nothing over 5 minutes, remember the other guy’s taking one to. ” I agreed, and walked for the bathroom, once inside, I went to work. i went for the medicine cabinet. I searched, and searched, till, Eureka! Sleeping pills. i twisted off the cap, and took out about 8. I settled the cap on again, put the pills in my pocket, and opened the door. “changed my mind, my backs fine, and, I probably wouldn’t have any hot water. ” She didn’t look up, she just nodded.

So I asked to stay another night, and, I decided to administrate my plan. At about 10 O’clock, Jennifer came into the TV room were me and my buddy were, with a cup of tea, and began watching the new’s. (this next part worked out perfectly.) So I sat, watching my friend play a computer game. He was losing horribly. So his mom gets up, and walked out toward the bathroom. I took this chance. I moved away from my friend, and sat in his mothers chair. He didn’t notice one bit. i reached in my pocket and took out four pills, and dropped then all into the cup of dark colored tea. I then returned to my seat, and resumed watching him play.