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Doing it in the woods

Then, with a sly smile, she asked, “I’ve heard roomers about how wet you get during sex Kala. Are those roomers true?”

I picked up my pillow and hit her lightly on her head. Then I said, “stop with the roomer questions tonight!” She did not realize how embarrassing that subject was for me.

As we talked, she continued to pull and twist her erect nipples…one at a time. Even in the dim candlelight, I could see her lovely breast and the way she was pinching her nipples.

Finally, the urge to suck her nipples overwhelmed me. I leaned over her and let my tongue rest against the fingers that was twisting her nipple.

I thought she might slap me away. Instead, she moved her hand and gave me her nipple.

I sucked it into my mouth and let my tongue dance on it. I felt both of her hands on the back of my neck as I sucked her nipple.

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I could not believe what was happening! Was she going to let me do this?!

Then, using both her hands, she gently guided me across her chest to her other nipple. I let my tongue dragged across her chest until I reach her other breast.