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Doing it in the woods

Then, she let go of my nipple and rolled onto her back and said, “I’m not a lesbian or a bi-sexual, but roomers has it that you are. Are you?

Before I could answer, she said, “I’ve even heard that you did-it with Amber before she moved to Kansas. Is that true?”

This was not the time to lie. Not to a girl who’s stayed my friend, after other’s had turned away from me because of the same roomers that she was asking me about.

“I guess I’m bi.” I answer. “And the roomers about Amber and me are true.” I added.

She didn’t say anything at first, then she asked, “did you like doing it with her?”

“I loved it! And so did she.” I answered.

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Then she said, “tell me about it. What’s it like…being with a girl…sexually?”

I decided to give her a taste of her own medicine. I started describing to her, in very graphic details, how wonderful making love to Amber was.

As I talked, Debra started moving around again. She was using her feet to kick the blanket off of her. Once free of the blanket, she rolled over on her belly and turned her face away from me.