What happened next was one of the sexiest sights I’ve ever had, even to this day. As she started to lick her way up and down my shaft she turned her head to look at me, giving me a great big smile, then she kissed the head of my cock and looking me straight in the eye, mouthed “Thank you” before planting yet another kiss and licking from one side of my cockhead to the other, muttered “Sweet young pre-cum” to herself and swallowed my whole cock in one go. The sensation was almost too much to bare, I was still desperately trying to prevent myself from cumming, wanting this to last as long as possible, until that was I remembered that I didn’t have the luxury of time and had still to be initiated into the world of pussy eating and maybe even, if I was lucky, a full blown fuck, a chance to lose my virginity, have my cherry plucked, my night to become a man, in the words of local parlance “give her a good seeing to”.
To use a line from the film “a****l House” released that same year, which I’d yet to see but which to this day is still a favourite, “Fuck her brains out, suck her tits” I wanted to do both, all three in fact, but first I wanted to eat that pussy.
Linda was really going to town on my cock, the sensation of her tongue licking the underside of the shaft as her lips created suction, I could feel the head of my cock rubbing against the roof of her mouth as she took the whole length into her throat, then a completely new sensation, she was licking my balls when my cock was deep in her throat, how she managed this feat still puzzles me to this day, never mind the fact she was deep throating me with ease, I gag when I brush my teeth, mine was obviously not the only cock she’d ever sucked, probably not even the first cock she’d sucked that week !. I dare say that if I’d been an American serviceman I would have been paying for the privilege.
Linda seemed to be really enjoying herself, if not she was making a very convincing job of pretending to enjoy it. I would happily have spent the rest of the night in this position but after about five minutes Linda stopped and asked me what the time was? That brought me back to earth without the bump, I looked at my watch and told her it was a quarter past eight, “Better get a move on” she replied before once again burying her face in my crotch and proceeded to suck one of my balls while pumping my cock with her left hand. I haven’t been blessed with the biggest balls in the world and when I was sixteen they were not yet fully developed, so it was no surprise when she took both into her mouth at the same time and started to suck on them like they were gobstoppers. It was actually quite painful, I didn’t want to cry out but she felt me flinch and eased off on the ball sucking, rolling them around in her mouth with her tongue, now this I loved, I ceased all attempts to delay my climax any longer and relaxed myself for what lay ahead.