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“You all know how some substances such as pheromones enhance erotic attraction,” he explained. “You know that some substances improve the blood stream into the pubic zone. And you may know that some substances decrease the thresholds of individual shame, at least momentarily. But, now watch the impact of this new liquefied concentrate.”

He seemed to have everyone’s attention as he let Paul smell the tissue. Nothing happened. Silence.

“Yeah, that would be nice. A sex bomb… “ Jack whispered. Did Alfonso really hear that? Did Jack have the same dreams as he had?

Then, all of a sudden, Paul came alive. He was breathing heavily, came over to John and began to hug him, just in front of everyone. He was undoing John’s jacket, tie and shirt within just a few moments. John stepped back, somehow taken by surprise, and hit the desk.

That was the moment of the chain reaction.

The large glass container fell off the desk, and broke. Suddenly, the first rows of the auditorium were no longer visible. Next went the third, then the fourth rows. As the grayish-blue cloud mounted along the rows of the auditorium, it became noisier. There were some sounds of whispering, some moans, and there was a sound of textiles being torn. The sounds were growing.

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