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Well, haven’t we heard this before, Alfonso thought cynically? He did have feelings towards John Varchas. But, these few months at the Institute had made him a bit skeptic about groundbreaking discoveries.

“To show you how it works, I will need a volunteer,” said John Varchas.

The silence in the audience was broken. A kind of adolescent humor suddenly filled the room. Guys were trying to push other guys forward. Jokes were made about what the guinea pig would have to endure.

“You’ll just be deaf and blind, Pete!” Alfonso heard.

He was quiet and so was Jack. Jack even turned his head, smiled at Alfonso. What did he mean?

Then, Paul was walking to the front of the room. Alfonso was thrilled, but did not know now whom he should concentrate on. Sitting right next to him was Jack, with a wonderful smile, who seemed to know more about Alfonso than Alfonso realized before. He was quite near, easy to touch, if Jack would allow that. But in front of the room were two persons who were certainly worth some wet dreams, too….John Varchas and Paul Shuman.

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