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Of course, he also needed the tenderness in the act, too. This was not about rape. This was about mutual attraction, mutual pleasure, mutual enjoyment and mutual lust. These thoughts had him almost cumming.

Alfonso was brought to reality by a knock on his door.

He called out, “Just a minute!”

Alfonso tried to bend his dick along his body, slipped into some shorts and gown, and stuck his head around the corner. Now, who would disturb his reveries in such a crude way? In the four months of his stay at the Institute, no one had ever knocked on his door unexpectedly. He had tried to make friends with some of his fellow workers. But, it seemed that they did not fraternize easily. Only Jack Demiro had been at his quarters. Ah, Jack Demiro…

As if one of his daydreams had become reality, Jack Demiro was standing at the door. He was smiling, as if he knew all along what kind of daydreams Alfonso just had.

Jack seemed to be of Italian origin. But, there was some influence in his physical appearance of other backgrounds, too. Long dark hair covered his shoulders. Beneath his deep dark eyes was a small and very dense moustache that seemed almost unnaturally dark. The smile under that moustache was now getting broader and broader. Neither one of them had spoken a word.

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