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Daddy’s Little Girl (Chapter 1)

“I’m serious dad, I don’t know what to do or say around guys. I’ve only kissed two guys in my whole life,” Melinda blurted before she could stop herself.

“Really?” Eric said in astonishment. My God, she was 18 and she had only kissed two boys, he thought. She must be a virgin! The realization shocked Eric. Then a bigger problem occurred to him. “You like buys don’t you?”

“Daaaaad! Of course I like guys,” Melinda said, now totally embarrassed.

Eric sighed in relief.

“It’s just that…just that… oh hell…I haven’t even been on a real date before.”

“Wow, Melinda, I had no idea!” Eric was unable to hide the shock in his voice. “I’ve seen you go out. You said you were going out with boys.”

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“I’m sorry, dad, I lied. I go to the library or to the mall with friends. I just didn’t want you to feel bad for me. You have enough on your mind.”

Suddenly, Eric realized that he had neglected Melinda since her mother died. He had been foolish to think that he could read her. He had been so busy mourning his own loss, feeling sorry for himself and working on his career that he had missed all the signs. Even after he gave her the chance to start dating, it was obvious now that she was very sexually immature. God, how could I have been so stupid? he thought.