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Daddy’s Little Girl (Chapter 1)


Melinda’s mouth was opened but nothing came out. Her head fell back on the sofa and she closed her eyes. Her face seemed to color in embarrassment. “It’s stupid. Never mind,” she finally said.

“Come on Linda…please don’t close me out,” Eric said, turning his face to her and looking into her misty eyes. “We’ve always been able to talk about anything. Haven’t we?”

Melinda had wanted to talk to her father for a long time about her shyness and the stutter but she didn’t want to burden him. Additionally, she felt embarrassed talking to him about boys. Now that she had finally gotten up enough nerve to bring the subject up, she knew he had to continue.

“It’s…it’s just that i’m…i’m not so hot with the boys. I’m too shy and whenever I get around a nice looking guy I…I….I get tongue-tied,” Melinda said, her eyes unable to meet her father’s.

Eric was surprised but tried not to show it. He had never heard her get tongue-tied before. “Now wait a minute, you always say that I’m a nice looking guy and you don’t get tongue-tied around me.”

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