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Daddy’s Little Girl (Chapter 1)

“Come on, dad, give me a break. I don’t need to go out, besides, I’d rather be home with you.” That had been her standard response. It was a lame excuse and they both knew it.

“Melinda, you need to have friends, you know….boyfriends,” Eric said in exasperation. Then he looked at her seriously and said, “I’m worried about you.”

“You seem to do okay without girlfriends. Why do I need boyfriends?”

“Come on, Melinda, that’s different and you know it. I’ve already been married. Besides, I already have a woman. You!” Eric said, squeezing her shoulder affectionately.

“Well, I have plenty time to date. Besides, I already have a man. You!” Melinda replied, smiling at using her dad’s own words.

Eric sighed in frustration. “Well, we’re a fine pair aren’t we?”

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“Dad, you’re my best friend,” Melinda said seriously, snuggling into his arm.

“And you’re my best friend too,” Eric said, hugging her again. However, he couldn’t let it go. “You still need to date. It’s not healthy.”

Melinda took a deep breath. “Dad…”