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Daddy’s Little Girl (Chapter 1)

Melinda tried to encourage him to go out and have some fun, but whenever she suggested that he find someone, he would always tell her that she was the only woman he needed in his life now. It was almost as if he would be cheating Melinda or somehow hurting Amanda’s memory. While he knew deep inside it was time to move on, he just couldn’t let go of the past.

Eric worked hard to keep the family financially solvent. His job as a public relations executive was rewarding but time consuming. He had to work 12 hour days and sometimes Saturdays.

Whenever Melinda would tell him that he should date, he would turn his comments around and say she should be the one dating.

Eric was more concerned about his daughter’s lack of social development then he was about dating himself. He wanted her to go out and have fun, yet she would be home most weekend nights with him.

Chapter 1
One Saturday evening, Eric found Melinda sitting in the living room watching TV as usual.
“Melinda, why are you sitting home alone tonight? Why don’t you go out with someone?” Eric said, sitting down next to his daughter and putting his arm around her shoulders. They had this conversation almost every weekend.