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Daddy’s Little Girl (Chapter 1)

Now 18, Melinda had graduated from high school with honors and had earned a scholarship to a local university. While she looked like the All-American girl, she had never had a boyfriend. Her shyness was an incredible embarrassment for her. The shyness was primarily the result of a slight stutter that she had developed not long after her mother died. She had hid it successfully from her father so far and most of the time she could cover it up. However, it tended to show up when she was nervous and all too often, that was in the presence of guys her age.

Eric Parker was still a very attractive man as well. He was tall at 5′ 11″ with a muscular body and broad shoulders.

Eric had been desperately lonely since Amanda’s death. Although, he tried not to lean on Melinda too much, she seemed to be the only one that really understood. He didn’t have to explain to her how he felt when he was sad, angry, or lonely. She just knew. Eric thought that he could read Melinda as well.

Out of sheer loneliness, Eric had tried dating. Unfortunately, he hadn’t met anyone that he really liked or connected with on an emotional level or for that matter, on a physical level. Even at 45-years-old, Eric still had strong sexual desires. However, he needed more from a woman. He needed tenderness and understanding first. Most of the women he dated seemed to think that because he was a old widowed man that he would jump into bed at the drop of a hat.