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Daddy’s Little Girl (Chapter 1)

While the 3 years since Amanda’s death had been financially stable, it was emotionally difficult. On an emotional level, he and Melinda were still struggling. They leaned on each other for support and therefore had grown closer than the typical father and teenaged daughter.

Melinda Parker became the woman of the house overnight, but she knew that she couldn’t make up for the loss of her mom to her father.

Melinda was a tall, beautiful and slim girl 5′ 10″ and 110 pounds. She was taller than most of her classmates. However, while she appeared to be a confident teenager, she was, in fact, very shy and overly sensitive. Although, she had her mom’s beautiful face and the bright blue eyes of her dad, she wasn’t comfortable with guys. Normally, fathers NEVER want their daughters dating or associating with guys at all, but Eric, on the other hand, was very open about his daughter dating guys and having sex, as long as she used protection and didn’t get knocked up. Then it would be a problem.

Melinda wanted to date, but every time she was around an attractive guy, she would become tongue-tied and embarrass herself. It was easier for her just to avoid those situations. Besides, she almost felt like she would be cheating her dad if she dated.