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Daddy’s Little Girl (Chapter 1)

The ride home was very quiet. Melinda couldn’t believe what had happened in the theater. It was like a dream. Damn, he practically had his hand on his daughter’s bare breast and she didn’t stop him. Yet, she still felt embarrassed and like a slut. Her dad had been nice enough to take her out and this is how she repaid him.

Eric couldn’t believe what he had allowed to happen either. Again, he told himself that it was just innocent fun. After all, his daughter did need some confidence building, he reasoned.

Melinda unlocked the door of their house, then stopped and turned to her dad.

“Thanks Dad…uh Eric, I…I..had a great time,” a little nervous stutter showing up in her voice.

“I did too, Melinda, you are a great date,” Eric said sincerely.

Melinda stood nervously in front of her dad. Her hands fidgeting at her sides. She almost had an overpowering urge to grab him and kiss him. She got control of herself and asked, “So, uh, does a girl get a kiss on the first date,” Melinda blurted. Her heart was beating wildly again. Her knees felt like they were going to collapse. When her father didn’t answer right away, she thought that she had blown it.

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