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Daddy’s Little Girl (Chapter 1)

They talked about school, friends, music, movies; all the things that a boy and girl would talk about on a date. Occasionally, Eric would point out things about how she should act on a date. He tried not to be too critical. Not surprisingly though, Melinda didn’t need much coaching. She was a natural, poised lady, just like her mom.

For a little while, Melinda truly forgot that Eric was her dad.

Eric also forgot for a short time that he was out with his daughter. She suddenly seemed so mature. Her pretty blue eyes sparkled in the dim candlelight as she laughed and her face lit up like a candle when she smiled. God, she was beautiful, he thought. Suddenly, Eric felt a little shiver run through him.

When dinner was over, Melinda escorted Eric out to the car, opening the restaurant door and hurrying to open the car door.

Eric was just a bit unsteady on his feet. He knew that he shouldn’t have had that last glass of wine.

When Melinda opened the passenger door of the car, and her dad slid in, he tried not to look at her exposed thighs again. However, that was impossible. No matter how hard he tried, his eyes went to the dark area between his daughter’s legs.

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