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I’m not ever going in chronological order with any of my stories that are true or partially true. Everybodies over 18 by a damn sight.
I had some experiences in my youth playing with guys, but I considered myself only slightly bi, and even then only secretly.
My most successful sexual relationship with a female was when she occasionally fucked me in the ass with a strap-on. I had hot girlfriends from time to time but I had a hard time ever making relationships work. The few encounters I’d had with guys were usually mild disasters. I had fucked around quite a bit in gloryhole booths in my 20’s back when they existed, but had to get d***k enough to have the courage to go in. I was scared as hell of being outed which was stupid because I couldn’t be judged by anyone who knew, because they would’ve maybe already had my cock in their mouth or vice versa. I was still pretty scared going in the booths, more like , intimidated, because sometimes it was a pretty aggressive crowd. I liked to get in a booth and chill for a few and get my courage up to respond to the finger coming through the hole in the wall, or the jiggling of the door latch. Whether I did respond or not was never sure, but if I sat down and picked a good movie, and started jerking, I might not need any other involvement to get off. Sometimes, because I wouldn’t respond right away, guys wanting to play must’ve assumed I wasn’t interested and left me alone.