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Chat fight: Luke vs Fury-1

Fury: down the aisle, high five the fans, tight white trunks with FURY on the ass, cowboy hat and cowboy boots, 5’7′ 150
Fury: lean and defined, roll into the ring and toss hat to a fan, COWBOY CHRIS FURY
Fury: doing some knee bends in my corner

Luke: really nervous about this one. taking on one of the best in the business. knows his wrestling. knowing a win here would be huge for me but definately know I will learn a lot of going up against such a worthy opponent.
Luke: crowd definately on the side of the Cowboy. decked out in his cowboy gear as I head down the aisle. wearing my maroon trunks and black boots.
Luke: rolling into the ring. up in my corner jerking on the ropes. limbering up. at 19yo 5’9 161 lbs. the rookie Luke Marshall taking in my opponent doing his knee bends in the opposite corner.

Fury: ref checks us out and I race to the center once the bell sounds, then wipe hands on back of tight ass trunks
Fury: plant boots and raise arms for lock up, fans chant COWBOY

Luke: moving in to meet up. shaking out my arms. arms comign up for the lockup. suddenly slam into you with the collar and elbow hookup.