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Chat fight: Luke vs Fury-2

Luke: flex my legs around your head and keep your face pushed up against my ass. my cock really hard now having you in this hold. feeling your face against my ass and forcing you to smell it.
Luke: don’t care how long it takes for you to give up in this hold just like having you in it. do more pushups to show off and to increase the pressure to the scissors.

Fury: cowboy being humiliated, smell that hot musky scent of your young asshole
Fury: getting woozy, take one hand and reach under you and grab the head of your dick and twist it where the ref does not see, my dick getting harder with my face in your ass

Luke: fuck not again. Cowboy resorting to dirty tricks. hard dick twisted. break the scissors, grab at your hand to pull it off my dick.

Fury: twist free out of your ass, breath fresh air, jerk my arms free and roll to the other side of the ring, notice you are hard
Fury: fans chant WHOOP HIS ASS over and over

Luke: crawl to the ropes. rubbing my sore dick. pull myself up. taking more fresh air into my lungs. trying to loose the smell of your armpit.
Luke: give my dick another rub. surprised at how hard it is in my trunks. trying not to listen to the fans.