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Catfight between Jennifer Ellison and Adele Stevens

“You dirty fucking cow!” howled Adele who in response dug her finger’s harder into Jennifer’s breast and tugged on the sorry remnant of a pony tail. Jennifer responded with a mouthful of expletives and vitriol about what she’d like to do to Adele with a farm implement! This only caused Adele to try hard to scissors her opponent,and as their long legs battled she thought she hand an opening. But Jennifer was alert to this and as Adele was able to twist her body so that all that happened was that Adele was now on the right of her opponent, still facing her but closer to the edge than she had been. Frustrated that this attack had failed and more determined than ever to win, Adele let go of Jennifer’s hair and instead used the hand to grab the zip on the front of her denim shorts. Jennifer reacted by letting go of Adele’s hair and moved the hand to defend herself, as she had been pondering the same move, Miss Silva had just beaten her to it. As their two sweaty bodies writhed, a hand clamped on the others breast, neither woman took theirs eyes of the other, unwilling to show any sign of weakness.