
All I had to do was touch myself on the outside of my panties and I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold out until Mike got back, so I began circling my mound with my fingers. It took all of about 10 seconds and I experienced an orgasm. Not a terribly huge one, but hugely satisfying.

When I came down from my high, I started laughing. I, a nearly 50 year old woman, had just masturbated because I got groped by a teenager! That was one for the books. I knew I should go apologize to Jacob, but I figured I would take a nap first. All that excitement of my ankle and then my orgasm left me beat.

I woke up an hour or so later and realized that I hadn’t even zipped up my shorts. I still felt really horny, but figured I shouldn’t waste the entire day in bed. So, I limped my way over to Jacob’s campsite and discovered that he wasn’t there. I returned to my own campsite and occupied my time by playing some crosswords until it got dark. Then I went back over to Jacob’s campsite.

Although I was limping a little still, I was quiet. As I entered the campsite, I heard sounds coming from his tent and stopped abruptly. The noises sounded like someone having sex. Keeping to the shadows, I crept closer to Jacob’s tent and kept my eyes peeled for any other passers-by.