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Business anal trip-1

Wondering how I was going to see, whilst not being seen, I decided to try the balcony doors. As both the balconies adjoined it was easy enough to position myself outside the patio doors. This I did and what a sight beheld me as I looked in on the adulterous pair. My wife Adele positioned over the end of the bed, and Frank sawing in and out of her pussy with his big pussy pleaser. Going by the distance his hips were drawing back and then pushing forward, he was obviously very well endowed. The groans and moans of my wife could clearly be heard, as an open side window allowed whatever was being said inside to travel outside.

I looked around to ensure I was not being observed, I need not have worried the rest of the rooms around were in darkness. There were large artificial bushes that formed a mini hedge for privacy surrounding one corner of the balcony. This allowed my uninterrupted viewing and listening pleasure. I returned to the action in the room and just as I did I heard Adele having an orgasm;