Anal redemption
we stretched his ass out fully and offered him one difficult spank. There had been nothing he could do now. “I’m going to have therefore much enjoyable raping your ass”. we said, laughing. I pulled his mind off the pillow and he began to say “no.. please… please don’t.” It had been pathetic. He had been so weak and helpless. Crying like an infant. Eventually we lubed up my huge cock and told him how ruined his tight opening would be. I could have been cruel but I made sure it was additional slippery so it thought great. I’d train him to love cock.
I whispered in his ear: “I bet it seems like a real one”… And I slowly entered him from at the rear of. He squealed like a small piggie whenever we did that. “Just what a bitch!”. we began to bang him doggie style and pushed his mind right back onto the pillow. we could tell he was dying to break free from the ropes and I had to hold onto his hips to make him take every inch. He had been seeking to wriggle away. He required this. I laughed and nailed him quickly and difficult.