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Anal redemption

“Great boy”, we said, gently slapping his face and releasing my cock from his lips. “Now go and lie on the bed, face down”. He struggled to his legs and onto the bed. we could see he was afraid. He knew we was going to rim him and finger his ass, but from that place… I could do anything I wanted to him. He was my play thing. Tied up and vulnerable. There was no possibility he could escape. He had been now fully revealed. . ” Look at just how tight your asshole is!” “Mmmm”… I started to lick him like it had been a women’ pussy, using my time for you to circle the region, to tease, to gently flick my tongue around. He twitched a bit. we could see he had been relaxing therefore I thrust my tongue into his opening and explored his insides, using my time and gripping his ass cheeks.

After a lot of teasing I inserted a finger. He had been beginning to panic at this point. we could feel his muscles tensing up around his finger. His face was down and he was starting to make some noise. we believe he was beginning to beg a bit. I didn’t care. we fucked him slowly at very first, hooking my finger around to touch his prostate, reaching around to wank him off. “You love it. You want mummy to fuck your ass”. I knew it was ultimate humiliation for him – to be raped by a more youthful woman… to be fucked by a good friend of his.