Porny Story

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Alien lover

When I woke up the next morning, I was alone on my bed, wondering if everything was a dream when I smelled her aroma. I smiled and sat on my bed, when I noticed that a tall woman with long, wavy black hair was looking at the bathroom’s mirror. Checking her out, I realized that the woman had the tanned, athletic body I remembered from the previous night. When I was going to call her, she turned around to reveal the most beautiful Asian face I had seen in my life.

“Hi lover. I hope this face and hair is to your liking – I sensed your preferences while you were dreaming yesterday. If you don’t mind, I would like to stay with you… Something tells me we can learn a lot from each other…” Thiana said with her sweet voice, showing me a devilish smile.

Since then, my life has not been the same…