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MILF Stories

After Divorce

My dad wants me to get married again, but I started to hate men and want to convert my energy into business and wanted to grow. My dad gave his one company. I am now living in a villa near seashore and mostly went to office and concentrated on my job.
I later introduced to my old friend,she told about picking random men and had sex with them. Day by day I wanted sex,so I searched on one bus stop and picked him by showing my breast. This is my guest house and always with a security. I asked him to leave when am there. And I told him that” if anyone asked about me, then tell she sell the house and went to somewhere”.

I cursed myself as I am picking a wrong (waste) man. And I thought that it is revenge by god. One of my cousin is Rahul. He loved me for four years,but I don’t know that.
While in a family function,he called me and gives a letter and proposed me. I don’t take it wrong and don’t even think of it. I called up all my family members and read out loud that letter, his face became small and all members are making fun of him and laughed at him. But he started to cry and went inside his room.