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After Divorce

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep,but my mind reminded the life before 28 years. Yes that when I born to my parents, I am second child and I have two brothers and one younger sister. My father is a industrialist and had owned number of companies. My mom is conservative and good looking . I was resembled as her when I reach puberty and love to be like mom. My father gives more money to all of us and from my childhood, I don’t like being rich, I love to friendly with others.

I studied MBA and now I managing a company of dad( he gives it to me), I cant even touch boy in my college, I talk to them,but don’t allow them to cross the limits. I have lot of girls as friends. We are living in Chennai, and I am married to a businessman when I am 23 . I loved him and respected him. I had my sex with him, he was totally surprised that I am virgin. He was good at sex and satisfied me .

After one year he started to doubt me and always had a fight with me. I promised that ” I dont even think of other men in my dream. But he disbelieved me . Day by day his suspicion . And he even started to beat me. My life started to became dark after one year. I told that to my father, he asked me to get divorced. I don’t like that and directly spoke with my husband,he said ” I found your bad side, so u asked for divorce and your father helps you”. I cant tolerate it and divorced.