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A sobering experience

To be honest these “parties” were/are awful and this particular year I decided I would get a few more drinks in me than usual to numb the pain, much to the amusement of the people on our table.
I literally must have been semi conscious for the majority of the party, but not being the only one I felt no shame, so kept my supply of drink nice and frequent.

Sarah on the other hand was getting a bit worried about me and so decided we should go to the club sooner rather than later, hoping I would sober up a bit on the way there.
Lee overheard we were going to make a move and couldn’t wait to get away either, so asked if he could tag along.
I think Sarah was happy that she would have some help with me should she need it, and it also gave Lee a chance to have a crafty cigarette without his girlfriend knowing.
She wasn’t keen on walking and got a lift to town with two other girls who’d already left for the club in a taxi.

All was good with me until I hit the fresh air, it was as if I’d doubled the amount I’d had to drink.
Lee laughed when he saw my facial expression knowing instantly how I was feeling.
“Don’t laugh at him, you’ll encourage him” Sarah laughed as she moved in and put her arm around me to stabilise me.
Five minutes later I was feeling like death and could barely stand, so Sarah and Lee (who was still laughing at me) got me to a nearby bench in the carpark we were walking through.