Porny Story

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A big dick in space

“My conclusion is less kind. Your ‘cock’ always seems to get us into trouble. I was seconds from the scrapheap on Voltrex-8 after you and your exceptionally well-hung-” The captain put her hand up, stopping her onboard A.I. mid-sentence.

The captain checked the progress of the pod’s tow and then said, “Our guest has almost arrived. I better prepare myself for a proper greeting.” The impressive, large-cocked female captain stood up and stretched her long body out, relieving the tension she’d accrued saving the pod.

She made her way to the cockpit’s supply storage. The captain pulled out a laserproof vest and slipped it over her ample chest. Next, she hooked her holster belt around her womanly hips. The captain made sure her gun was ready to fire. “Can’t be too careful these days.”

“The connection has been made,” Kassy notified the captain, “Filling the interlocking compartment with oxygen now.”

The captain was halfway out when she remembered something and hurried back to the supply storage. She rifled through her personal items, coming away with a tube of lipstick. The captain clicked a panel on the wall closest to her and a mirror appeared. She applied the lipstick generously, the perfect shade of red for her rich skin tone and full, pouty lips. “Mustn’t be too careful.”