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A big dick in space

The well-hung, never-sexually-sated beauty couldn’t decide whether she’d rather rim and kiss that hole through the night or stuff it full of meat until the sun came up instead. One would leave him singing and the other crying, she giggled. Vivian finally allowed herself to blink once Jon started drying his body off.

The captain cleaned up while Jon finished toweling off. The young man then removed the space casual wear he’d arrived in from the instawash machine. The two met exactly where the captain had specified. A shower had picked up Jon’s mood. Vivian led him on a quick tour of her ship. Their banter verged on flirting.

They ended up in the main kitchen sector, sitting at a disc-shaped table. The kitchen hummed with an array of thirty-third century devices. It was there that the inquisitive captain, eager to have Jon talk more, and watch the way his delicate lips moved as he did, learned how he’d ended up on that escape pod.

Jon had been with a group of guys going planet to planet around the Rundor Solar System looking for work. The trouble started when he’d been assigned to watch the craft while his crewmates scoped out the employment opportunities below him on-planet. He got nervous when a vessel with a Universe Police red flag tag for pirating entered their ship’s vicinity. Every second that ticked away, ever-closer that pirate ship came to contact with their ship, his apprehension grew. In a split second decision, he sent an alert down to his crewmates and then took off in an escape pod, figuring he could turn back if and when the coast was clear.