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Alfonso de Castro was wondering. For years, he had longed to be in the position he recently obtained: working in the Institute for Research in Innovative Techniques. He did like some of the work, true. But, what first seemed attractive, to work in an all-male environment, was also getting on his nerves.

Correct that: it was working on his dick. And because there was no way to check what the institution’s rules were about sexual encounters nor how other workers felt about man-to-man sex, he was quiet about the erections he felt and a bit concerned. He wondered how and if he should proceed working here.

Alfonso was in his late twenties and had no reason to be concerned about his professional skills. He also had no reason whatsoever to be shy about his body. He displayed a handsome Latino face with a full goatee, a firm chest, plus a nice dick with two full balls that seemed to produce more sperm than Alfonso could ever spend during his private jerk-off sessions.

Yes, there was enough privacy for that in the institution. But, the privacy also meant that the chances of having any insight in the sexual habits of his co-workers were nil. As a consequence, Alfonso had developed some special techniques of masturbating by himself. During these sessions, he liked to fantasize about some of the guys he was working with.