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Outside shower

I love the pool. Or more specifically, I love water. It had been a great day splashing and laying around my mother-in-laws gorgeous pool and outdoor kitchen. I bet there had been thirty of us there. Family, friends, friends of friends. It was a gaggle, and my wife and I enjoyed it to the fullest.

As the evening ran down, folks began heading inside to crash out or take a breather from the oppressive heat. Not me, I stayed and lingered in the pool a bit just soaking up the water, the emerging stars, and the sounds of the evening creatures coming alive. Once it was clear that I was the only one left, I jumped out eager to catch up with the Misses.

I walked over to the outdoor shower to get a fresh water rinse before slipping into some drier clothes. As I faced the spraying water with my hands planted against the smooth pool house wall and let the waters coolness wash away the chlorine from my face, I felt a set of hands slide down my back, around my hips, and up onto my chest. It was the most eerie feeling to be surprised by such a gentle and unexpected pleasure. My hands came off the wall to reach back and pull in close my ever loving wife.