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A big dick in space

An alert popped up via the digital overlay on the cockpit main windows. The instruments onboard indicated that an unidentified object was heading toward the space vessel. The captain’s heart started to beat faster.

Scrolling through all available data, the captain, a statuesque woman, tried not to get her hopes up. It was probably space junk, she told herself. Nothing could be out this far. Checking her readouts again, she waited for visual confirmation of the object.

The unidentified object was finally close enough for an advanced report. The captain read through the information gathered on the UFO. Its readings were promising, but the object was too small to be a ship. The captain used its unique heat signature to cross space junk off the list as well.

“Visual in 3… 2… 1…” The toneless, female voice of Kassy, the onboard A.I., echoed through the cockpit.

A metallic object appeared on the captain’s digital overlay at maximum magnification. She recognized the design. “An escape pod. What the hell is it doing out here?” The captain, hunched over her controls, asked herself in a mutter. “Kass,” the captain stood up straighter, “identify the make of the pod,” she requested.