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Road Trip

Road Trip

Brent was happy to finally get the chance to be away for a few days. His wife had certainly changed over the last few years. She used to be sexually adventurous but no more…. Straight ’slam bam thank you ma’am’ and that was even more and more rare lately. He missed the pure sexual passion he enjoyed with a woman when he was single or even newly married. He had decided that he would risk an affair if the opportunity presented itself in the next few days. If he resided in a bigger center he probably already would have, but living as he did in a town of 1500 people didn’t really offer the opportunity for secret liaisons – everyone knew everything about everyone. He even had to take special precautions when he went online to play with women on the internet. People where he lived are prone to just show up at other people’s homes unannounced. It would appear ’curious’ if Brent answered the door all flushed with a major hard on….. Today though, was a chance to get away alone for 3 days.