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MILF Stories

Colouring the life of a widow – part 13

Mira has shown her sexual desires. She is cutting grasses in lawn while sitting on legs. Looking at me, she smiled and our eye talked for a while. We have planned for a hot afternoon tomorrow and I moved to my home in joy. My night passed as usual. Next morning I left for my college and I have to reach Mira’s home at 02:00 p. M. I attended my classes and left college before lunch break.

I hired a auto-rickshaw and reached her home. Mira opened the door on my knock. Wearing a frock of her knee length is making her sexy and wild. I moved inside and after closing the door, she came and sits on my lap. She has put her arms on my shoulder as I am holding her in my arms. Her left boobs is brushing on my chest and I put my lips on her lips to kiss. She is now on my lap on sofa while her legs are wrapped on my waist. While kissing her face my hand is lifting her frock upto her waist. Mira is looking hot as well as wild in her dress, now her breasts are pressing against my chest and I took her tongue in my mouth to suck. Mira’s round dome shaped buttocks are uncovered and my palm is moving on her. After a while Mira took out her tongue..