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Brother Sister SexIncest Stories

 The Thirst of Desire: Brother Satisfies Sister’s Craving

I am Samira, 18 years old, from a village in Uttar Pradesh but currently living in Delhi. Today, I will share a true story with you – a story about desire and its fulfillment between me and my elder brother, Jan Aftaab. This is the story of how my brother quenched my burning thirst and brought me peace.

For days, I had been consumed by a fiery passion within me. My body yearned for touch, for release. I craved penetration, and finally, it was my own flesh and blood, my brother, who satisfied me.

I live in Delhi with my younger sister, who is 8 years old, my sister-in-law, and my brother. My brother runs a salon, while my sister-in-law works at my aunt’s massage parlor. We two sisters stay home while our parents reside in our village back in Uttar Pradesh.

Even as a child, I had heard stories from my friends about the pleasure of sexual intimacy. Many girls in our neighborhood would engage with boys from their surroundings. Despite my own desires, fear of societal repercussions kept me from taking that step.