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Wife Sex

As soon as I returned from my parents’ house to my in-laws’ house, my husband made me sit on his dick and fucked me

Hello everyone, my name is Shabnam and I welcome you all to Porny Story dot com. I have been a regular reader of this website for many years and I never miss reading those spicy stories. Today, I am sharing my own story with you all. I hope you enjoy it!

I had gone to my parents’ home (mayke) for two months. For ten months of the year, I lived in my in-laws’ house (sasural). During the summer, I got a two-month break and could visit my parents. I had been at my mayke for twenty days when my husband called.

“Shabnam, come home quickly! I haven’t gotten to touch you for twenty days!” My husband said.

“Listen, dear! I will be staying with my mother for at least two months. You can manage with your hands until then!” I replied.

“But Shabnam, you know that hand-job doesn’t give the same pleasure as having sex. Please come back soon!” He pleaded, but I ignored him and decided to stay at my mother’s place. I missed home and didn’t enjoy being in sasural.

My husband was a very sexy man, quite young too. He would have sex with me twice a day and three times at night. He loved sex, and I, too, was a woman who enjoyed it immensely. I craved his touch every day. Now that I had been at my mayke for a month, I missed him terribly. I used to satisfy myself with a dildo and sometimes even masturbated with my fingers. Meanwhile, my husband was managing the best he could without me.

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