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Uncle stuffed the beautiful pussy : Uncle-niece sex story

Hello friends, my name is Mansirat. I live in Panipat, Punjab. I have long hair, a voluptuous figure, sexy lips, and captivating eyes that make boys go wild. All the boys grab their dicks and girls stick their fingers in their pussies. After getting some experience with guys who taught me how to drive, my pussy was burning with desire. I couldn’t control myself anymore.

I got admission to a college in Delhi. Since traveling back and forth from Panipat was tiring, I decided to stay with my uncle while going home on weekends. My uncle is a handsome Jat, around 40 years old. He was divorced and lived alone. When I arrived at his house, he hugged me tightly. I was wearing a skirt and top, and I felt like his dick was hard just looking at me. It was the first day, so I didn’t pay much attention.

My college started, and my uncle would go to the office in the morning and come back in the evening after having 2-3 pegs of whiskey. My inner sexual hunger grew stronger every day. I developed a habit of fingering my pussy every day.