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Brother Sister

Gave elder sister my penis on her birthday

This is a true story about me and my elder sister, Soumya Didi. Soumya Didi’s birthday was on Monday. She is four years older than me and is getting married this year. She is a very attractive and sexy girl. She recently finished her engineering degree and lived in a hostel. She fell in love with a boy from college, and they are getting married. After their wedding, both of them – my brother-in-law (jija ji) and Soumya Didi – will move to Bangalore because they both got jobs there.

As I mentioned earlier, Didi’s birthday was on Monday. Six of her friends came to celebrate with her. We have a small farmhouse that we use for parties, located near Noida. My parents told me to take Arjun along because he had been planning a special gift for Didi for a long time. I kept telling my parents that I would give Didi a great gift this year. They even teased Didi about it, but I hadn’t actually bought anything yet.

“Arjun will give you a gift,” Didi said to me, “so let’s go to the farmhouse.” That’s how I ended up going to the farmhouse with Didi.