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Brother Sister

My younger brother quenched my pussy’s thirst

Hello friends, my name is Ruchi. I am tall and fair, and I consider myself very beautiful. I live in Noida with my family. My family consists of my father, my younger brother Parveen who is 18 years old, and my mother. I am 21 years old, and my figure is such that any boy who sees me cannot remain calm without speaking. I have seen my mother and father having sex many times, but I have never had sex myself.

Now, let me tell you what happened a few months ago. It was like any other day. I returned home from college to my room to relax. My parents had gone to a relative’s house. I had come back from college early that day, and my brother didn’t know about it. He was busy preparing for his 12th board exams. I didn’t know where my parents had gone, so I went to his room to ask them. He was lying on the bed studying, and his room door was open. Without knocking, I entered. Parveen jumped up in fright when he saw me.

“Mom and Dad have gone out,” he stammered nervously when I asked where they were.
“Why are you so scared?” I asked. “You seem tense.”
“It’s nothing,” he said, “Just exam stress.”
I reassured him that everything would be fine and then left his room. But I felt something was amiss; Parveen seemed to be hiding something from me.