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My Aunt and Me sex

My Aunt and Me

My name is Raja, and I have an aunt who is incredibly beautiful. I can’t even describe her with just words; she’s simply stunning. When my parents married her off to my uncle, she was already breathtakingly attractive, but if anything, her beauty has only increased over time. My uncle seems to be completely smitten with her.

I often visit my aunt’s house. Sometimes my uncle is there, but other times it’s just me and her. Since no one else knows about this, I take advantage of the situation.

Sometimes when my aunt takes a bath, she’ll call out, “Raja, please bring me some soap.” When I go in with the soap, she’s usually still in the bathroom. Without saying a word, I simply hand it to her. Seeing her standing there with a towel wrapped around her chest while she bathes is incredibly sexy. The damp cloth clings to her curves like a mirror, highlighting her figure perfectly. Her breasts are large and full, their nipples barely hidden beneath the wet fabric. Just looking at her legs makes me feel overwhelmed. Her back view is mesmerizing, capable of driving anyone mad with desire. I can only imagine how beautiful she would look in a swimsuit.