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Doing it in the woods

This crazy, wonderful thing happened to me last summer. It happened when I went camping with a friend, just before school started. I thought I’d write about it. I hope you enjoy it…Kala

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It was late summer when I was invited to go camping with my friend Debra and her parents. Debra and I attend the same high school and we shared a couple of classes together last year. Before that, we were in elementary school together.

I’ve never been camping before and I was really excited! We were going to be living in tents in the middle of the woods.

We drove up this little dirt road and got as close as we could to the campsite. After her Dad parked the car, we put on our backpacks and began hiking to where we would be sending the next four days, camping, swimming and fishing.

Our backpacks had to weigh at least a thousand pounds. We had to hike for about two miles through the woods to our campsite.

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Debra and I, have been friends since the sixth grade. I’ve always thought that she was beautiful. Even though we run in different crowds, we have always been good friends.