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First Time Sex

How could I let this happen?

As she was driving home she could not stop thinking about why she let it happen. Why did she go by her self? How could she be so stupid?
It was playing out in her head over and over again.
It all started about a month ago. That is the first time she met Smoke. He was THE guy to see for the best weed around period. He was a tall slightly heavy set black guy in his early 30’s. Not bad looking but not good looking ether. He did have a swagger about him though.

Alexia was a 19 year old girl, light brown hair average height with an amazing body from running track in high school. She is a very beautiful girl. Young and gullible girl who had a fairly sheltered life.
Alexia and her “boyfriend” at the time went to see Smoke to get some stuff. She did not want to go but Jim said it was on the way to there friends house so she agreed. They pulled in to the parking lot of the local hotel and parked. Alexia asked Jim why they came here. She was a little nervous because this was the same hotel they got after prom. The same hotel she had finally given in and gave her virginity to Jim. Once she had given her self to him it started to be a regular thing but recently she stopped because he got caught cheating.Jim said I thought we could get our room and start over with a big grin. Alexia said your out of your fucking mind if you think I am getting a room with you! Before she could say anything more Jim said Smoke has a room here so let’s go. He got out and started to walk away from the car. Alexia was not going to go in but then realized she had the money so she quickly got out and caught up with Jim. As she did she heard him say he was in the very same room they got after prom.